Bonding and Listing Mechanics

When a new asset enters the ecosystem, its token undergoes a bonding phase that transforms initial interest into active market dynamics. As retail participants engage with the newly created token, they progressively contribute to reaching the bonding target. Once the bonding target is achieved, the token pairs with $ACES in a liquidity pool permanently, creating an active trading market on decentralized exchanges. This milestone initiates a seven-day claim window where the asset itself becomes available for purchase. By structuring the process this way, we ensure organic market formation and price discovery before enabling direct asset acquisition, aligning the interests of traders, potential buyers, and sellers while maintaining market stability.

  • Gating purchases until after bonding ensures traders are motivated to push to bond

  • Bonding pushes the token to DEX, increasing visibility

  • Bonding signals an important milestone to the community and buyers

Bond Target Formulas

The asset’s listing price determines how much $ACES must be staked to establish its bonding curve. A higher listing price leads to a larger initial market cap. This model leverages a square root pricing formula for smooth price growth and predictable on-chain behavior.

This listing deposit is a vital component of the platform’s integrity.

  • Prevents fraudulent listings or uncommitted sellers

  • Fronts initial liquidity

  • Sets the starting marketcap

  • Supports the $ACES token

  • Is tied to the Bonding Target to reduce complexity

List(x) = to learn more

Bond(y) = to learn more


  • x is the listing price in USD and the result is the $ACES needed to launch in USD

  • y is the Bond Target

Here are the key price points from our formula:

Listing Price

Listing %

ACES need to List in $

Bond Amount

























Keep the Math Square and Simple

This square root bonding curve is highly gas-efficient for Ethereum smart contracts because it uses only basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction, division) and a single square root operation. Solidity already provides optimized implementations of square root via established libraries like OpenZeppelin, often using bitwise operations for faster computations. Unlike exponential or logarithmic curves that may demand more complex math or floating-point logic, this formula stays within the integer realm, greatly reducing computational overhead.

The curve relies on a few fixed constants and one dynamic input, x (e.g., the deposit amount), meaning there’s no need for storing multiple parameters or maintaining complex state variables. Because it doesn’t require bounds checking beyond verifying the domain, the curve extends naturally to higher values without adding complexity or extra logic branches. This simplicity not only keeps gas costs predictable and low but also bolsters security and makes the code easier to audit.

Last updated